Healing Machine

Released: 2022

Healing Machine

"Healing Machine" (chords)

Tyler McLaughin w/ Bill Innis, W.J. Barry & Robert John Nelson

hey there, how are you, i hope this finds you well

there's some things a-brew'n needs a little song n' tell

come back to the table, come gather 'round

wherever you are, in every single town

all us pilgrims share'n the same earth

breath'n the same air, all human-birth 

it'll take all sorts and kinds of folks to grow

evolvin' the ways that our energies flow

be'n as one spirit, leaves of one tree

trees of one forest and waves of one sea

come on people let's get on the same team

and start working together, to be a healing machine

whatever your gender, whatever you eat,

however you pray, whatever language you speak

however you give, rich or poor

brown, white or black or shades ain't seen before

different colored flags and anthem songs

all you heads of state, come-on - sing a-long

everyone shar'n this space in time

all groov'n together, humankind

knowledge, truth and unity

all them fruits of humanity

come on people let's get on the same team

and start working together, to be a healing machine

let's work together to heal this place

and stop point'n fingers in each others face

take our arms and put them all a-round

brothers and sisters in every-town

mom's and dad's, uncle's and aunt's

white collars in cubes, blue collars in plants

rabbi's, imam's, bhikkhu's and priest's

pandit's, granthi's, witches and beasts

get up & get out - brown, white and black

get out there and let ya'lls hearts attack

come on people let's get on the same team

and start working together, we'll be a healing machine

come on people we sure make a great team

when we're working together, we're a healing machine